Pipe repair
In this project, a mower mishap significantly damaged the orchard's manifold. Willis Irrigation successfully rebuilt the damaged manifold, getting the operation back up and running smoothly.
Frost Protection
A recent installation of a frost protection system in a local orchard. This project ensured that the frost protection measures were in place and operational ahead of this year's anticipated frost.
New Harvest Unit Installation
We are capable of installing a sophisticated harvest system for your needs. These systems are designed to monitor soil moisture levels, rainfall, and frost occurrences and include a weather station. Additionally, they offer a range of other functionalities to suit your specific requirements.
Tank Installation
This project necessitated collaboration with other local businesses. At Willis Irrigation, we take pride in fostering partnerships with fellow local enterprises that, like us, prioritise the delivery of superior work. This project entailed installing rainwater tanks for a new irrigation system that our team is currently implementing.